Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Great American Lie

The unanswered question about Obama being a legal citizen of America draws more fire.

The puzzle is now coming together showing a cover-up by the State of Hawaii and by Obama himself.
Tension mounts against the possibility that the man leading our Country could be a fake If proven this would make every bill he signed null and void.

Governor Neil Abercrombie (D-Hi) stated in an interview that a long form, hospital generated birth certificate for Obama may not exist in the Hawaii Department of Health. He stated he was continuing to search the records because it could hurt Obama's chances of re-election in 2012. The governor is known as a die in the wool Democrat who supports everything Obama does. He said it exists in the archives written down.

WND documented the address of the birth announcements was the home Obama's grandparents. The birth records in the archives could have come from the grandparents registering the birth in Hawaii which would create a newspaper release even if a long form birth certificate did not exist. The only form we have seen at this time was a live birth certificate shown in 2008 when Obama was elected. This could have been done in Hawaii by the grandparents even if Obama was foreign-born.

The two websites showing the live birth certificates are very biased for Obama.

At the end of an interview Abercrombie was holding, a newspaper person said, "You stirred up a controversy about birthers concerning your release of more info. How is that coming?"
His response was, "The certificate will have political implications in the next elections, we can not have that."

Reading this makes me ask where does honesty step in. If a leader can not show his papers why should he or she hold office?

Maybe Congress should pass a law for 2012 that anyone running for office will have to show their complete set of records. Of course this could mean Obama would have to bow out.

You have heard my opinion, now let me hear yours.

Freedom Fighter and Radical Richard


  1. Being a birther myself I enjoyed this article. I can't understand when in our laws people running for government are supposed to show their credentials why this subject should even have to be brought up. If the president can't show his credentials and the governor is helping covering it up, I think the FBI or secret service should step in. His whole term has been a lie, so why should his birth record be any different.
    I believe he was born in Kenya.

  2. Rebel Bill22/1/11 6:32 PM

    If I get pulled over for a violation I have to prove my identity. I don't see why NoBama can't show his. The solution might be to send him back to Kenya, where he can become a leader there and ruin the rest of their country.

  3. When Mr. Obama was first elected I felt that he was born in the US. The more I read and hear, my opinion has changed. Anyone who can't show their true records has to be hiding something.
    I agree with the fact that a law should be put into place making all federal government show credentials otherwise they can't run.

  4. I can't believe all the whining I'm hearing from birthers. The fact that the President's birth certificate can't be found does not mean he is not qualified to lead our country. It only shows a mistake has been made. Maybe it is time you woke up to the fact we need to keep this country moving and quit worrying about trivial issues.
    Grow up people there's a world outside.

  5. Abercrombie never said that the long-form birth certificate may not exist in the files or that he could not find it. WND said it.

    Abercrombie said no such thing. AND, in fact, the long-form birth certificate does exist in Obama's files as two officials in the former Republican governor's administration stated in the first of two confirmations that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Here is the first of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.

    Notice where it says that there is an original birth certificate filed. Well, in 1961 foreign birth certificates, even those from other states, could not be filed in Hawaii. So the birth certificate in Obama’s files must be a Hawaii birth certificate.

    Here is the second of the two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.

    Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed twice.

    And here is the confirmation by the governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican, that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital

    Then, you are likely to ask, why does not Hawaii show the original? Because Hawaii has sent out only the new short-form birth certificate from the time that it became the official birth certificate in 2001. Since then it did not send out the long-form birth certificate to anyone, even to people born before 2001.

  6. smrstrauss - I appreciate your comment and feel without controversy from both sides there would be no need to have a blog. However I would like to throw a few things out to you.
    You stated Abercrombie never said the long form birth certificate may not exist. If you missed it go to the bottom of the blog, left hand side and click on source. I don't believe any professional writer would state this if there was no truth in it.

    The 3 links you relate to one is ABC and one the Washington Post. In the past their articles backed Obama in every way, controversy was unheard of.
    Your second link from USA Today was written by Dan Nakaso of the Honolulu Adviser. All 3 articles are stated from people in Hawaii.

    The states David Louie, Hawaii Atty. Gen. told Abercrombie they can't show the birth certificate. Louie was also very good friends with Obama's parents. Janice Okubo, Health Dept. spokeswoman states only index data can be shown.

    Honolulu Star declares final victory...ABC News says Abercrombie has not delivered promised truth.

    Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham's passport cannot be found. Surrounding the years of 1961 it can not be shown where she traveled.
    Further, others question his citizenship by virtue of his attendance in Indonesian schools during his childhood and question on what passport did he travel to Pakistan three decades ago.
    Adding fuel to the fire is Obama's persistent refusal to release documents that could provide answers and his appointment of lawyers to defend against all requests for his documentation.

    Many people have also tried to disclose his records from Occidental College. This could give proof from his tuition to help us fill the gaps.

    The controversy continues, I can't convince you of my beliefs from what I have read any more than you can convince me. I see only one way to conclude this controversy, show the real birth certificate. It appears to me an honest person would have no problem doing this. Thank you for your comment and hope to hear from you again.

  7. It appears nothing will convince you that the President was born in the U.S. I feel you're being unfair by saying he's covering up a lie. If birthers could accept the fact we have a black president, our country would be better off. As far as saying he's a dishonest person because he doesn't produce the certificate it could be he feels it's just unnecessary since he's already done it.

  8. Anon....Why do you feel birthers don't accept a black president? What they don't accept is a person too cowardly to show his credentials. You say he's already shown his certificate, but if you study it you will find it is only a certificate of Live Birth. There is no hospital or doctors name on it. As RR said in his comment why is he paying attorneys so much money to keep his records from showing. To me this shows dishonesty on his part.

  9. Texas Teacher23/1/11 5:51 PM

    I can't say one way or the other. It appears to me if someone has nothing to hide, they would get it out in the open and end the controversy. On the other hand I feel the majority of Senators are hiding something. Maybe we should do what grade school students do and have show and tell.

  10. Mad Sally's Roommate23/1/11 7:29 PM

    RR, as I've written many times in the past, I was a Liberal turned Independent. Although you and I've had our disagreements I went through both the comments and checked out all the links. I have to give you credit on this one, at least the links you sent people to were not all one sided. I think Mr. Obama should show his birth cert. and bring this to an end.

    By the way I have a new boyfriend now and he must be a great guy because my roommate MS doesn't care for him, he is a bit on the Lib. side, but we're working on that.

  11. I too am considered a birther and I want the truth to finally come out about the POTUS. His mockery of our country has got to stop. It seems to me that he IS hiding something from the world.
    Liberals insisted on McCain being vetted, he was born on a US military base in the Panama Canal Zone. Both his parents were natural U. S. citizens. Throughout all of Obama's campaign and his presidency the question of him being a natural citizen has been over his head. Supposedly he has spent over million $$ to hide his true identity, therefore making the suspicion of his eligibility valid.
    I think it is time Congress actively pursues this subject and once and for all disclose the truth about him.

  12. You are quoting WND, and if you look closely at the WND report, you will see there are no statements with quotation marks around them that backs up the SPECULATION that Ambercrombie was 'suggesting' that there was no birth certificate in the file. No quoted words saying "we could not find..." or "there was no..." or "the birth certificate was not there." NOTHING like that at all.

    So, where does the speculation come from? From Abercrombie saying that there was a document in the files and not using the word "birth certificate." An analogy: A man walks outside of his door and comments that it is sunny. Does that mean that there was no air outside his door?

    Abercrombie said that there was a document in Obama's file that states that Obama was born in Hawaii. Does that mean that the document was not a birth certificate? No, it does not mean that at all. It is totally speculation, based on nothing at all, to say that the document was not a birth certificate or that a birth certificate could not be found.

    Abercrombie spoke quickly at the end of an interview. He said a document or a record. Even the original account, the the Hawaii newspaper, did not have quotation marks around it. Birth certificates are indeed documents and records. Saying that there was a document or a record does not mean that Abercrombie said that there was not a birth certificate in the file.

    And, sadly, WND is NOT a reliable source. WND is the site that has repeated and repeated that Obama's Kenyan grandmother said that she was present when he was born in Kenya. But the transcript of the tape recorded interview shows that the Kenyan grandmother said repeatedly in the same interview that Obama was born IN HAWAII. And, WND continually ignores the fact that in another interview the Kenyan grandmother said that the first that her family had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii. (,0,2145571.story?page=4

    So, WND is not reliable. WND is a birther site and its reports reflect the birther myth that Obama was born outside of Hawaii.

  13. Re: "I think Mr. Obama should show his birth cert. and bring this to an end. "

    Answer. Obama HAS shown his birth certificate, the Certification of Live Birth, which is the official birth certificate (used by thousands of people every year) and the only one that Hawaii has issued since 2001, and the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed the facts that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.

    In the first of their two confirmations, the officials in Hawaii (two heads of departments) stated in writing that there was an ORIGINAL birth certificate in Obama's file.

    Notice where it says that there is an original birth certificate filed. Well, in 1961 foreign birth certificates, even those from other states, could not be filed in Hawaii. So the birth certificate in Obama’s files must be a Hawaii birth certificate.

    Another note on the credibility of WND and all birther sites. Here is something that they NEVER discuss for obvious reasons:

    IF a child were born in a foreign country, such as Kenya, that child would require a US travel document to be admitted to the USA. Sure, there are children smuggled across the Mexican border and some may be smuggled across the Canadian border, but if a child arrives on a plane or a ship, she or he has to pass through US Immigration, and they always ask to see either a visa or a US passport.

    The child does not require her own passport. She can be entered on the passport of a US parent, but she must be entered on that passport. She or he cannot be entered before birth, so if the birth took place overseas, the visa or the passport or the change to the parent's passport to include the child has to take place overseas.

    In Obama's case, the primary myth is that he was born in Kenya. But no one has ever explained how a child born in Kenya could be taken to the USA without a visa or a passport--or, if there were such a document--why it hasn't been found.

    I'm not referring to the visa stamp or the physical passport. I am referring to the application for the visa or for the passport, which would still exist in US State Department files, if there were such a thing.

    So, we have the combination of an official birth certificate in Hawaii plus the repeated confirmations of the officials in Hawaii that there is an original birth certificate in the files and that it VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. AND, we have NO US government records showing that Obama received a US visa or a US passport or his mother's passport was changed to include him in any foreign country (particularly not Kenya) in 1961. Do you perhaps wonder why WND never discusses the absence of US travel documents?

  14. Moreover, WND has explained the absence of Kenyan official documents (birth certificate or record that Obama's mother arrived in Kenya in 1961) by saying that Kenya has sealed all the files. But this implies that Kenya, a divided government where secrets tend to leak, has been successful in sealing the files AND that it has been so successful in this sealing process that there are not any reliable reports (except for WND) that Kenya did any sealing.

    In other words, you do not actually have to find an Obama document in a Kenyan file to make the story credible. All you have to do is show that Kenyan officials took the files that showed that Obama's mother arrived in Kenya out of the normal place where it was kept, and hid it away. Or, the same for the birth certificate.

    There are thousands of foreigners living in Kenya, hundreds of journalists from all countries in the world, and of course there is the CIA--and not one of them has indicated that the Kenyan government sealed or hid any files. Are we to believe that the divided Kenyan government, which by all accounts is not the most efficient organization, was capable of sealing all the relevant files AND keeping the fact that it had sealed any files secret?

    Re the lawsuits. There has never been a lawsuit against Obama just for his birth certificate. Obama has fought about seventy lawsuits which include demands for his college records, Kindergarten records (Yes, in some cases, the suits demand his kindergarten records, which probably do not even exist anymore), his parents' marriage license and lots of other things. Obama does not have to show these things, and he has the right to fight lawsuits that claim that they have the right to see such private documents.

    The Wall Street Journal put it this way:

    "“Why has Obama spent X dollars defending himself against lawsuits when he could just produce the original birth certificate and make the whole thing go away?” X varies, just in our emails of the past 24 hours, from “thousands” to “almost a million”; one reader set the amount at “$950,000.” As far as we know, all these estimates have a common source: thin air.

    In any case, while this question sounds eminently reasonable, in fact it betrays a complete lack of understanding of the legal process. The “defense” against these frivolous lawsuits has consisted of filing a motion for summary judgment, which in every case has been granted.

    In a motion for summary judgment, a defendant in a lawsuit asks the judge to dismiss the case as meritless before trial. In considering whether to grant such a motion, the judge is obliged to treat all facts in dispute as if they were resolved in the plaintiff’s favor. He may dismiss the case only if he finds it is without merit as a matter of law. The defendant’s introduction of additional factual evidence into the record would make the process more costly and time-consuming, not less.

    The production of a 1961 birth certificate would make these lawsuits “go away” only if one assumes that it would persuade the plaintiffs to withdraw their claims, or not to file them in the first place. This assumption is completely fanciful."

  15. Re: What passport did he travel on when he went to Pakistan?

    His US passport, of course. Pakistan was NOT on any "no travel list" in 1961. It did not keep US tourists from visiting. It welcomed them with 30-day visas on arrival. Obama never had an Indonesian passport, as a call to the Indonesian embassy in Washington will show, and the same holds for a British passport.

    Obama had a US passport from the time that he returned from Indonesia to attend school in Hawaii or before. We know that because if he had traveled on anything other than a US passport, he would have had to have gotten a US visa in Jakarta, Indonesia--and the application for that visa would be easy to find, if there were any such document. There is no such document. Obama traveled from Indonesia to Hawaii on a US passport, and he never had an Indonesian or British passport. He went to Pakistan on his US passport.

  16. Mississippi Mud24/1/11 5:23 PM

    RR & FF why don't you just kick this jerk off the site? There comes a time when arguing with a telephone pole gets you no where. I still don't believe the prez was born in the US. I go along with Texas Teacher, Let's have show and tell.

  17. Radical Richard24/1/11 6:09 PM

    M-Mudd - haven't heard from you in a while. I thought before I shut her down for the evening I'd get one last statement off.

    smrstrauss (Whom I assume is a man) has the right to express his opinion the same as you and I do. Although I don't agree with him I do stand by the First Amendment stating Freedom of Speech. What would be the purpose of having a blog if all of us agreed on the same things.

    At a Tea Party I spoke at near Fort Worth, the first statement I addressed the audience with was I don't need to be up here talking to any of you because I know how you are going to vote. I then asked for a show of hands as to how many people were voting, hands flew up everywhere. My next question was "How many are voting Democrat?" Not one hand went up.

    If this blogsite ended up being where only one opinion could be taken I would shut it down tonight. There's man named Corsi writing a book concerning Obama's birth. When I find out more info I will post it.
    If you remember at the bottom of every blog I write "You have now heard my opinion now let's hear yours." With that I will close and I would like to thank each and every person who commented.

  18. Dem Reject24/1/11 7:30 PM

    I agree that people have the right to say what's on their mind. From what I have read of smrstrauss comments I clicked to his profile and there is not info. Is it possible this person is just trying to start controversy or what? He appears to be intelligent but also seems to be a ghost. Do you think he's afraid that somebody might find out he's not as intelligent as he speaks. I agree with many things he says but like the pres' birth records, I would like to see...Is he real or not?

  19. upsetindenver25/1/11 7:05 AM

    Good points made on all sides. I don't consider myself a birther, but would really like to know the truth. Until documents are shown many Americans will always have some doubt as to the legality of Obama's presidency. The country is in such a turmoil and we really need some truth coming from this administration. I just wonder how long the truth will be withheld. As the days go on is our country existing under a farce? What happens to the 2 long years worth of destruction? Did our country just loose those years and waste everyone's time and money? It is time to expose the truth one way or the other.

  20. Concerned Gramps25/1/11 1:50 PM

    i can't say if he was born here or not. you would think if he was he would just go ahead and show his papers. What bothers me more than anything is what he's doing to this country. if him and his friends continue the way they are going our country will become a second or third world nation. As you have said in the past when all these baby boomers hit SS would be broke. let's hope something happens before then.

  21. I think until the truth comes out about this many people will doubt the legitimacy of the president. The 2012 elections will more than likely be influenced by this. What puzzles me is why won't he show proof that he was born in the United States? I believe he more than likely is a citizen but would sure feel better if I knew for sure. The mystery needs to be solved.

  22. Re: "you would think if he was he would just go ahead and show his papers. "

    Answer; Obama has already shown his papers, the Certification of Live Birth, which is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, used by thousands of people every year. In fact, it is the only birth certificate that Hawaii has sent to anyone since 2001--even to people born before 2001.

    Re the 2012 election:

    If Obama's policies do not work, people will vote against him. That will be the overwhelming influence on the campaign. The birther myth, viewed as crazy by Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly, will influence a small percentage of voters who would have voted against Obama anyway.

  23. I just got word this morning from Rick Trader that Dr. Jerome Corsi who is writing a book about Obama's birth certificate will be speaking on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show today at 3pm EST
    Michelle Bachmann will also be interviewed. Sounds like a great show. Listeners can call in giving their opinion.

  24. I would be interested in hearing from those that believe that Obama was not born in the USA why there is not a US travel document for Obama in 1961. (Corsi has never discussed this matter, and I do NOT expect that his book will do so either.)

    You know of course that when we pass through US Immigration at an airport or a sea port, we have to show our passports. Children who are US citizens are often entered on a US parent’s passport. If they are NOT US citizens then they have to get a US visa. This was particularly true in 1961 for a child born in Africa. Yet the main birther myth is that Obama was born in Kenya and somehow was carried to Hawaii, and yet no application for a visa or for a change to his mother’s passport to include him made in Kenya has been found. IF there were such a document, it would be easy to find because there were not that many such applications in 1961. Yet none has been found.

    I sometimes get the reaction that the US Immigration Service could be bribed to bring the child through. Or, some say that Obama’s parents went to Canada or Mexico from Kenya and then smuggled Obama across the Canadian or Mexican borders. (This would be an expensive and risky thing to do, and why do either the bribery or the border smuggling? After all, for all purposes other than running for president, a naturalized citizen has all the same rights as a Natural Born Citizen. In other words, instead of running the risk of smuggling, they could simply tell the truth and naturalize Obama later.)

    The same holds for Kenyan birth documents. Corsi has claimed that the reason no Kenyan birth documents can be found (except for obvious forgeries) is that Kenya seized the birth files and hid them. The same would have to go for the records of arrivals and departures from Kenya in 1961. There are no documents that Obama’s mother ever arrived there, and no documents showing that Obama and his family departed Kenya in 1961—at either airports or sea ports.

    Corsi explains the missing documents by asserting that Kenya seized and hid all the files. But there is something funny about this claim. It implies that the inefficient, split Kenyan government (and split governments tend to leak their secrets) was not only capable of finding and seizing all the relevant files, BUT that it did it so secretly that no one has confirmed that it seized any files. There are thousands of foreigners living in Kenya, hundreds of diplomats, scores of journalists living there and visiting, freelance journalists who would be paid for a story confirming that Kenya had seized the records, and there is the CIA—and not one of them has ever confirmed Corsi’s allegation that Kenya had seized the documents. NOT ONE.

  25. I was able to catch Dr. Corsi on the radio show today. I was impressed with what he had to say and will definitely buy his book.
    smrstrauss stated he would be interested in hearing from those that believe that Obama was not born in the USA. I clicked on his name and could find no place to send him a response. I believe he just put that up in order that he could talk. From what I have read he continually repeats himself.
    I thought the question you asked on the radio show was very appropriate.

  26. Just caught your comment, Janet. Sounds to me like the guy just wants to hear his lips flap. I didn't get to hear the radio show, but wish I had.

    It seems to me rather than spend millions of dollars it would be easier to do the right thing and show your records.

  27. Re: "smrstrauss stated he would be interested in hearing from those "

    I was referring to a reply on this site.

    Did Corsi explain why there is no evidence of an application for a US visa for Obama in Kenya or an application to add Obama to his mother's passport? Did explain how Kenya could not merely hide the evidence of Obama's birth in Kenya but also hide the fact that it was hiding evidence?

  28. smrstrauss - I would like to have an internet conversation with you if you will give me an e-mail address or something where we could talk. I will show you the respect of not posting it on the blogsite, if that is your wish. I don't want to argue, I want to talk intelligently with you. I respect both sides of the conversation believe me Republicans have screwed up as much as Democrats. If you find this to be an acceptable solution, please email me at
    I wish the best for you and yours in the future and the hope for future generations. May you have a good day.

  29. Rebel Bill27/1/11 7:15 PM

    I don't believe this person will answer you in a minute RR. When it comes down to telling the truth about yourself and you said you will not disclose his email or any info about him, I think you will find that he will be a man disgruntled. Is he a liberal or a republican? I read what he says but is he real? Let us know if he has the respect to email you.

  30. RR. An e-mail discussion between us would be interesting, but I doubt that either of us could convert the other.

    The point of blogs is that many people, not just two, can see what is posted.

    I post these questions;

    1) If Obama were born in Kenya, how do you account for no one finding either a visa or the change to his mother's passport while she was in Kenya? Or do you think that Obama was returned to the USA by being smuggled in? (Do you really think that they would take the risk of smuggling him, when if he were really born in Kenya he could be simply naturalized later?)

    2) How do you account for Kenya seizing and sealing all the records without a single report (other than WND) that Kenya seized any records? How could it be so efficient in hiding every record, even records of Obama's mother arriving in Kenya and of the family leaving, without the fact that it had seized the records being reported?

  31. smrstrauss - Do you not have the cajones to answer a question I have told you I will talk to you via email and in person if you want to do this in a respectable way I will do it, if you can't then quit wasting my damn time. If you want to talk to me I will listen to your opinion even on our website. If you want to respond to me then email me, I will talk to you. I am a real person that people can respond to, are you?

  32. So am I, but when I write something, I want it to be published. I will be glad to send you e-mail, if you publish it.

  33. I will publish anything you have to say. I would like to talk to you as a real person. I will therefore back you as a real person, but I will not agree with you. What can we do to stop the repercussion to stop the idocy of Democrat and Republican give me an answer? If you would like to reply to me in an email, please do it. If you can not do this, it's nothing more than words in the wind. And why do we need to discuss it?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. smr.... & RR: In all honesty I am a birther and would love to know the truth. I personally will never accept Obama as MY president as I feel he is hiding something. If you are right smr, then there is no reason for Obama to spend so much $$ hiding the facts. If you are right RR then our country has wasted 2 years of valuable time and money...the repercussions this country will face in the event an illegal was elected will definitely impact the nation and the world.
    I agree with you smr that neither one of you will convert the other. You both have made very interesting and valuable points. As independent thinkers we all have different opinions and I thank God that we still have the freedom to express them.

    Knowing RR as well as I do (I'm his wife) I know he enjoys the controversy and respects the opinions of others. Our country has run a-muck and working together we can reinstate some of the values our Founding Fathers set forth for us. Our future generations will be the ones to suffer if we can not find some unity.

    smr... I hope you will continue to make your posts and express your opinions. We have many followers who are on the Left, Right or in the Middle, some are silent while others are boisterous. If you desire to share your comments with our readers, we will post them on our website

  36. I am not a birther by any means. The cert. of live birth is not a real birth cert. and shouldn't be construed as such. In my mind I believe he is a citizen and just wish he would put an end to all this confusion and show us the proof. At times I think he is hiding his true identity or something else in his past.

  37. Re: "If you are right smr, then there is no reason for Obama to spend so much $$ hiding the facts."

    Answer: The above is another birther myth. In fact, there was NEVER a lawsuit against Obama just for his birth certificate. If there were, Obama would have provided the court with his Certification of Live Birth, and the court would have accepted it, since it is the official birth certificate of Hawaii.

    In fact virtually all the cases, and I skimmed about a dozen, do not ask that Obama provide any documents at all. They say that Obama has not provided X or became an Indonesian citizen (untrue as a simple telephone call to the Indonesian Embassy will confirm) or requires two citizen parents (not true either) and hence the court should declare that he is not eligible to be president. Naturally Obama will oppose such lawsuits, and it is not to hide the birth certificate or to hide anything.

    IF there had been a lawsuit just for documents, such as his school and college transcripts (and some cases even ask for his parents' marriage license), then Obama would have the right to oppose the case because he doesn't have to give the information, and in fact no president has. (Bush's transcript was leaked by Yale, but he didn't provide it).

    The Wall Street Journal says this about the "Why is he spending so much" myth:

    "“Why has Obama spent X dollars defending himself against lawsuits when he could just produce the original birth certificate and make the whole thing go away?” X varies, just in our emails of the past 24 hours, from “thousands” to “almost a million”; one reader set the amount at “$950,000.” As far as we know, all these estimates have a common source: thin air.

    In any case, while this question sounds eminently reasonable, in fact it betrays a complete lack of understanding of the legal process. The “defense” against these frivolous lawsuits has consisted of filing a motion for summary judgment, which in every case has been granted.

    In a motion for summary judgment, a defendant in a lawsuit asks the judge to dismiss the case as meritless before trial. In considering whether to grant such a motion, the judge is obliged to treat all facts in dispute as if they were resolved in the plaintiff’s favor. He may dismiss the case only if he finds it is without merit as a matter of law. The defendant’s introduction of additional factual evidence into the record would make the process more costly and time-consuming, not less.

    The production of a 1961 birth certificate would make these lawsuits “go away” only if one assumes that it would persuade the plaintiffs to withdraw their claims, or not to file them in the first place. This assumption is completely fanciful. As we noted yesterday, birthers “claim without basis that today’s birth certificate is a fake; there is nothing to stop them from claiming without basis that yesterday’s is as well.” Sure enough, an outfit styling itself the Western Center for Journalism has produced what purports to be a report from “an investigator” commissioned by “a retired CIA officer”--neither of them has a name--arguing that the original birth certificate might be fraudulent. "

    Re: "The cert. of live birth is not a real birth cert. and shouldn't be construed as such. "

    Answer: Actually, the Certification of Live Birth is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, and the only birth certificate that Hawaii has issued or sent to anyone since it became the official birth certificate in 2001. Thousands of people use it every year. It is accepted by the US State Department and the branches of the military. And, in Obama's case, the facts on his birth certificate--that he was born in Hawaii in 1961--were confirmed by THREE Republican officials in the former governor's administration.

  38. I am more confused now than ever before. I too do not believe Obama was born in Hawaii...Maybe that is what I really want to believe. I think Obama is the worst president this country has ever had.

  39. Re: "I think Obama is the worst president this country has ever had. "

    Then vote against him in 2012. But you are dreaming if you think that he was not born in Hawaii. His official birth certificate was confirmed by THREE Republican officials. There were notices in the newspapers in 1961 (and they were not ads; Hawaii only took birth notices from the department of vital records in those days, and you could not just walk in and claim that a child was born at home. Hawaii required written proof from witnesses when that claim was made.)

  40. I think all the birthers are just passing wind. They just want Obama out of office and see this as a way to oust him. There is no validity to what they are saying.

    I must admit I voted for him, am African American, and do not feel I made the right decision. I let my ethnic background overrule my better judgment. I will not vote for him again. I changed my voting status to Independent and voted a split ticket in 2010 and will do the same in 2012. My vote will never again be swayed, I will vote for whom I feel is the best candidate.
