Monday, April 25, 2011

Does Obama Hate America?

The controversy goes on...Obama, the self-pro-claimed Messiah...Obama the next Hitler. What is in store for our future? Will Big Government control every part of our life or will we find the land of milk and honey?

Let's explore a few simple facts.

  • Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis) has laid out a bill which would cut the deficit by 6.2 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. It would mean everyone pitching in and giving up something. This sounds harsh but to put the country back on track it would mean a future for our young people.
  • Obama and his cronies are appalled over such a bill. They believe we should spend, spend, spend.
  • Obama has laid out a bill which would cut 4 trillion dollars in 12 years. His bill includes cutting health care, but not Obamacare. 
  • He wants cuts in the defense system and raising taxes over a trillion dollars. 
  • He wants to keep funding planned parent hood which is killing babies while promoting prostitution. 
  • He wants to fund Acorn who promotes prostitution along with voter fraud. The worst sentence Acorn can get for voter fraud is a $5,000 fine. I bet Liberals would fund that everywhere.

Obama wants to continue foreign aid such as helping build and repair Mosques. It makes me wonder why he wants to have our tax money gong to people who call us infidels and want to kill us. Could it have something to do with what he wrote in his book saying if Americans went against Muslims he would stand by the Muslims. What a vote of confidence that sends out to America.
He sends billions to  Brazil to drill for oil while our workers strive to feed their families and keep their homes. His statement to the President of Brazil is we will be her best customers.

All this doesn't make sense, why does he hate prosperity for this country? Is the Liberal idea to ruin the future for our kids or do they really believe Socialism is the way to go?
God help America if stupid people can't be stopped.

Many people ask what can we do to drop our deficit?
Let's look at  just a few items then you make your decision. If you have other ways let me hear them on the comments below.
  1. Stop foreign aid in many cases.
  2. Stop wasteful pork.
  3. De-fund Fannie and Freddie Macks.
  4. De-fund Planned Parenthood.
  5. De-fund Acorn.
  6. Put a tax on imports as other countries do to us.
  7. Start a fair tax so druggies, prostitutes and Congress people pay the same as we do.
  8. Stop bailouts, go back to the system business solves their own problems.
  9. Stop Obamacare.
  10. De-fund Obama along with his children's snow cone run ideas.
The time has come we need true leadership and not a bunch of Obamas Pelosis and Reids. If Republicans won't fight for us then get them the hell out also. This could be our last chance before it is too late.

You have heard my opinion - now let me hear yours.

Radical Richard


  1. I hope we have a candidate who will be strong enough to fight Obama. We need to get on the ball and find a person who is more dynamic than Obama.

  2. After nearly 2 1/2 years that Obama has occupied the White House his devotion to this country is still confusing.
    Personally I don't think he is a patriot. It seems all he does is put this country down. I believe he will make us a third world country if he is reelected in 2012. Yes Obama hates America.

  3. There is nothing about this country he likes...I take that back, he likes the prestige of being the prez of the greatest nation on earth. He likes the idea of power and dictatorship. He likes the idea of destroying democracy.

  4. I think President Obama has done wonders for this country. I would not have insurance if it weren't for him. I lost my job shortly after Bush was out of office and this President has seen that I am able to continue getting my unemployment. That along with the food stamps and medicare is keeping me and my family going. What more can a person want? President Obama is making sure the people are taken care of. As long as he is in office I will be taken care of. He will get my vote the next time around. Too bad he can only run for one more term.
    Vote for Obama, the people can't loose with him.

  5. Wow, Obamafan, sounds like you need to get a life. You must either be a looser or an illegal. Where is your sense of responsibility? Our country was founded on the belief that people would work together to make a better life for themselves and their family. You fall into the category of take, take take and never give back to the ones who help you out of a bind. It is people like you who will drag our country down and eventually destroy it.

  6. Sounds like Obamafan found his niche in life. Live off the government and the generosity of others. No need to work or pay bills. It's people like you that will ensure this country turns into a dictatorship. You are a looser.

  7. t-partyJim30/4/11 5:06 PM

    yup! Obama HATES our country.

    Radical, here are a few more things to add to your list:

    We need to impeach the president he is not a natural born citizen.
    We also need to secure the borders and send the illegals to their home country.

  8. Obamafan - Look into the eyes of a child and try to explain to him or her how people like you are taking their future away. Explain how they will not have a chance to find the American Dream as has been offered to all of us.
    I believe in the right that everyone has the right to express their opinion but in your case it's a very sad opinion. Keep free-loading off the government, someday you may see what people like you have done to future generations.

  9. Richard, I proudly voted for OBAMA and will do it again. I'm a young mother with two children and yes, I can look them straight in the eye and proudly say that I'm thankful for a president who knows how to run this country. Your readers show nothing more than a bunch of conservatives who continue jeopardizing our future. Wake up and smell the roses, YOU don't walk on water.

  10. What a freeloader Obamafan must be...He lost his job, too lazy to work, living off of people trying to provide for their family and thinks he's a great person!
    Imagine what this world would come to if everybody thought that way? Where would anyone get the money to pay them?
    I think we found the Ace of Spades here.

    To answer your question RR, Yes I Believe Obama Does HATE America.

  11. Texas Teacher30/4/11 8:10 PM

    I believe the question about Obama hating America is irrelative to the problems we have today. In my opinion it goes without saying he has done nothing for our future except put us farther in debt.

    I agree with your statement that if Republicans don't fight to lower our deficit, get rid of them also. We face trying times ahead. Our future will be if anyone in Congress cares about the fate of this country.

  12. Dem Reject1/5/11 3:48 PM

    Obama is turning people who used to be hard workers into lazy bums. Can you believe that some people have been on unemployment for 3 years? It is disgusting that our government is going to keep supporting them. I'm sure if Obama gets his way there will be another extension this year.
    I'm so disgusted with the direction we are headed, it's time to get serious about a good candidate for 2012.
