Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TLC Loosing Sponsors Over All-American Muslim Show

Patriots are winning a small battle today but one that could be of grave importance to the future of our Country.

The Muslim reality show on The Learning Channel is loosing sponsors in groves. The show is from Dearborn, Michigan depicting the idea Muslims are just like us. American people are seeing this to be propaganda. The Fordson High School football coach is a Muslim and requires the players to say a Muslim prayer before each game.
One program showed a Christian man converting to Islam in order to make the girls father happy.

To me this is a movement of hate for Westerners. Muslims will stone their women, cut their heads off and cut their genitals out if they see fit.
To me Muslims are a Godless bunch of people spewing their vile in every corner of the world

If one tells you he or she has converted ask the person to publicly denounce Islam and the Koran. Watch them squirm then.

The Conservative Florida Family Association is pushing for all sponsors to drop the show. They will automatically send an e-mail to all the sponsors. Feel free to share it as is or add your message at the bottom. I let them know exactly how I feel. 
Send your message -Help us in our fight to stop Muslim propaganda.

Here is a list of the sponsors who have backed out. Lowes, Dyson Vacuum, Diamond Foods, Estee Lauder, HTC Phones, McDonalds, Petsmart, Pfizer, Sears, Sonic, T-Mobile and Wal-Mart. 

Check here to see the list of sponsors currently supporting The ALL-American Muslim. Please note that since the airing of the Dec.5 show Lowes Home Improvement has bailed out and will not support the rest of the series.

You have heard my opinion - Now let me hear yours.

Radical Richard


  1. I'm not a muslim but don't you think there's any muslims that are good. You sound like an old person over the hill that would vote for Mitt Romney or Ron Paul. Wake up there's a new world out there.

  2. I think RR said it all. If you publicly disavow your Muslim heritage and the Koran then you're ok. At this point I haven't seen any of them do it. I watched a couple of the shows and they still believe in Sharia Law and not American justice. I think they're just putting on a show for everyone.

  3. RR I think you hit the nail on the head when you said if they claim to be true Americans publicly denounce Islam and the Koran. I don't know what world this Ed came from but he needs to go back. I stand by anonymous comment all the way.

  4. You're comment inspires me. As a True Patriot working for the betterment of GOD, COUNTRY & FREEDOM!

    I will look forward to your comments and put your name on Twitter at every chance.
    Would like to talk to you on e-mail Rich@rednecksforamericans.com

    I speak at TeaPartys, Various Organizations and Radio Show. Thank God for Patriots like you. Our voice WILL BE HEARD!

  5. I watched the trailer on this and thought it was just nothing more than propaganda. I did boycott all the businesses that sponsored. I'm glad that Lowes finally woke up. I'm in the process of remodeling my house and had to drive 50 miles for supplies because I refused to support Lowes.
    TLC should drop the remainder of the series. They are only showing us what the Libs want us to see. The man who beheaded his wife in NY several years ago, is so hushed now.

    Both you Anonymous posters are right and very outspoken. Keep spreading the word about the truth about Muslims.

  6. It's hard to believe the learning channel would let such trash air. I have yet to see what I would call a good Muslim. I think it's another ploy for the prez to bring socialism closer to our door.

  7. When the Islamisists reach a certain percentage of a countries' population you will find that the so-called good muslims will be nowhere to be found. And if they are found it will NOT be because they are sticking up for their former friends and neighbors who are infidels. It has been like that for over 600 years of Muslim expansion. THAT is what the so-called Learning channel should be "teaching".

  8. I didn't watch any of the all American Muslim. From what I hear I'm glad I didn't. TLC seems to have been promoting nothing but propaganda for the last couple of years. It's too bad, they used to be good.
    If they were going to do a reality show, they should have shown the real truth. If they are Muslims they believe in the Koran and Sharia Law.
    I don't trust any of them.
