Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Magic Month

December has always been my favorite month. The beauty of the decorations; excitement as the children await the big day for Santa to arrive and the love people show for one another. 

But as they say all good things must come to an end. The jolly old fat man has made his rounds and has settled in for a long winter nap. The decorations are beginning to come down while all the turkeys look forward to the coming year with a sigh of relief.

Father Time is watching the hour glass as the remainder of the sand falling brings in a New Year.

People across this great Country are making New Year Resolutions such as loosing weight, exercising more, stop smoking, etc... Many will be upheld while many others will fall by the wayside.

What ever the case may be the fact still remains we all still have our hopes and dreams for the future: Seeing our children or grand-children growing up. The dream of our first home, or a new home. The hope to travel to exotic new places. These hopes and dreams can not be taken away from us.

I look forward to the coming year. The chance to adventure into new ideas or possibly to change the old ones which were wrong. Time is a commodity which no one holds the key to. What we do today could reflect on where our futures will lay.

Let's have some fun this week. Let me hear about your New Year Resolutions, your best times this year or what you are looking forward to next year.

Have a Happy New Year!

You have heard my opinion, now let me hear yours.

Freedom Fighter


  1. Mississippi Mud31/12/10 9:13 AM

    I'm looking forward to loosing all the Liberals who will be going home from the House next year. I feel for the first time in 2 years our voice is being heard in DC. Your fight has been a good one and I think we have got the message through, but we still have a lot of work to do next year.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Like you FF, I look forward to what will happen in the future. We must continue to fight for the young people.

    Like many other women in the U.S. my first resolution will probably be broken is to loose some of the C-mas pounds I put on. The second which I will keep is to have 10 orphans over next C-mas instead of 5. They were so much, but they were a handful.
    Here's to 2011

  3. I plan on bringing in the New Year as we are taking out many rhinos by celebrating hard and heavy tonight. I thought it would be best to post early, it may be hard to tomorrow. Hope you enjoy you new years.

  4. Concerned Gramps31/12/10 7:53 PM

    hope you have a happy new year FF. I wish my kids could ever listen to what you have to say. my friends are out with their family and having a good time. i don't feel sorry for myself but feel like i'm becoming a person who does not matter. To all of my friends on FF, have a happy new year, I love all of you.

  5. C Gramps, there are people still on the net tonite that don't drink and are in the same place you are. Remember one thing there is still one bigger than us that will prevail. God Bless you and have a very happy New Year.

  6. FF, Christmas is truly a Magical time of the year. I wish the love and respect we show for complete strangers could survive throughout the entire year.
    There is much to come in the next two years. They can only be brighter and better for this country than the disasters of last two years

  7. upsetindenver2/1/11 6:35 AM

    My resolution will be to lose some of the weight I gained the last month of the year. Of course that will only last about 2 weeks. lol
    I am looking forward to a new Congress and hoping Obama sweats like he did on Nov. 2. He really pouts when he doesn't get his way.

  8. I am looking forward to a new Congress coming into office. And my resolution is to communicate better with some of my liberal friends. Some of them are definitely very moderate, but I fear we can loose them to the left. These are the people I worry about.
