Thursday, January 6, 2011

Americans Stand In Limbo

As the New Congress steps in we wait to see if they will stand by their word. The watch dogs are following every move they make.

The first item on their agenda is to repeal health care. I don't believe in any way they can repeal it. At best they might be able to break it.

The next question is do you believe Dems have seen the light or will they continue down the same path as before? Winning the House was good but we also needed the Senate. We now have the power to filibuster but will that be enough if Democrats try to pass a new law making it harder to filibuster?

In seven months we have seen Liberals take our deficit from 13 trillion to 14 trillion dollars. Since 2009 when Obama took over our deficit has raised from 10 to 14 trillion dollars. This is about 95% of our economy for a year. If our new Congress does not curtail spending then start depleting our deficit America will loose it's credit rating then move in a down hill slide.

Employment for the last 2 years has been at a stand still. Without job creation there will be no hope of moving forward. Americans are going to have to realize we will have to give up something if we are going to get back on track.

This could be a large hurdle to overcome. Many young people today believe the government and others owe them a living. They have never had it rough. Mom and Dad gives them everything they want. Rather than work to get what they want, they cry long enough to get it for nothing.

We have generations of welfare recipients who have never worked in their life. They have been raised to take everything they can. We have first time home buyers who believe a starter home costs around three-hundred thousand dollars.

The day of reckoning is coming. If Congress does not take some giant steps to drop our deficit America will enter into a world economy. Our destination will be that of Socialism. Young and old alike are going to have to learn to live on a budget. That new car may have to wait another year. People being interviewed on TV this year said since they couldn't afford a new home or car they would spend the money on Christmas gifts. This is the mentality of a Liberal. If you can't spend it on what you want don't save it just find another avenue to spend it on. We will all pay the price for this.

You have heard my opinion, now let me hear yours.

Freedom Fighter


  1. I am glad to see the Republicans are holding to their promise to the people so far.
    They did read the Constitution on their first day of the new session and they are going to attempt to repeal obamacare. We all know it will never happen but there motives are in the right direction. I hope they continue being honest with us.

  2. Jason, what do you expect? The first week they will do what they said, it is what happens in the months to come that we have to worry about.

  3. We are all sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what will happen with this new Congress. Hopefully we will see a change in this country that will be for the people.

  4. I have heard the president will be meeting with world leaders to discuss a monetary value for the dollar. It his another of his schemes for world take over of our country. This congress must do something to drastic to stop this man.

  5. The deficit reaching $14 trill. has now become our greatest concern. Liberals must be stopped from printing money or no one in our country will have a future. Mr. Greenspan says they're not just printing money it's backed up. The problem is it's backed up with bonds and not gold like we used to have.

  6. Rebel Bill8/1/11 6:22 PM

    You're right the day of reckoning has come. If republicans fail to start dropping our deficit there's no hope for this country. The biggest problem we're going to have is when the bills hit the senate and then the white house. I truly believe that the pres wants to see this country go down.

  7. upsetindenver9/1/11 7:08 AM

    The deficit and jobs are top priority. I would like to see the healthcare bill repealed, but I don't think that will happen. Hopefully it will be changed to better the interests of us.

    My heart and prayers are with all those slain and wounded in Arizona.
