Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Obama's New Executive Order Imposes Dictatorship On U. S. Citizens

Last Friday evening, March 16th 2012, while everyone was preparing for the weekend Obama dropped another bomb on American Citizens. This one could be the one that leads the U. S. into dictatorship led by Yours Truly.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order gives Obama unlimited power over the way US Citizens can live, work, play or own property. This was all done in the name of National Security.

In order to promote national defense it delegates the head of the agencies the following:
  1. The Secretary of Agriculture: Food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources and distribution of farm equipment along with commercial fertilizer.
  2.  Secretary of Energy: Controls all energy including price and amounts allocated.
  3.  Secretary of Health and Human Services will control all health resources.
  4. Secretary of Transportation shall control all civil transportation.
  5. Secretary of Defense will have control of all water resources.
  6. Secretary of Commerce will handle all materials, services and construction materials.
In other words Obama can control every aspect of your life as he wishes. Every item in this Executive Order will be directed by him. He can now declare "Peace Time Martial Law" if he wishes, then take our guns away. 

The National Defense Authorization Act gives him the right to torture U. S. Citizens without due process of law.

What is worse media, nor either side of Congress is saying anything about it.

I have written in the past how a country can be taken over. First take away their guns then their economy, food and water supply. Big Government brings in their Army.

I know a Cuban family who lost all seven of their restaurants and were left on the street after Castro's takeover of Cuba. Don't ever think it couldn't happen here.

This could explain the many Fema Camps that now lay empty and what they could be used for. 

Some of the Tea Parties have joined with the Unions concerning the First Amendment.. Without the right to protest in peace anyone protesting against Obama could be arrested. 

This EO will also give him the right to stop the vote in November by declaring it unsafe. If the vote does go through and he loses he could use the order to remain in control before a new president can be sworn in.

This is where Liberals have taken us. Our children and grand-children could live under dictatorship thanks to people who care about nothing more than themselves.

Enjoy what you can now. Obama is not a person who cares about you or your future.

If you doubt what I have written read it for yourself here 

If you missed it read about America's Fema Camps here.

Listen to what Judge Napolitano and others have to say on the video concerning where Obama has taken control of this country. Click here

You Have Heard My Opinion - Now Let Me Hear Yours

Radical Richard


  1. If anything you say is true, why is it not all over the news? The President isn't trying to become a dictator, but to mend what Bush did to this country.

    Liberals are not the reason for change but the future of this country. I think Fema Camps are intended for terrorists no matter which country they come from.

    Wake up and get a life!

    1. upsetindenver21/3/12 4:42 PM

      You're right the person's dumber than a stump. Only a liberal could go to the WhiteHouse site and read for them selves what BO said. If you listen to the video you could see where citizens are already being incarcerated in fema camps without hope of a fair trial. If you click on fema camps you can actually see the pics of them stopping reporters from going in. It seems funny to me the barb wire faces the inside and not the outside if there trying to keep people safe inside. If that doesn't show you someone trying to be a dictator then please don't have children they could turn out as dumb as you

  2. Rebel Bill20/3/12 7:43 PM

    Reading what Anonymous had to say I bet he/she has a hammer and cycle hanging on their living room wall. It makes you wonder how people can be so stupid and not see what's happening in front of their face. I think our future is being taken away faster than people realize. We've got so many rules today by government you can't adhere to them.
    People like Anonymous will be the loudest to cry when obummer yanks the rug out from under them. As for the comment "Wake up and get a life!" we all better try as hard as we can because people like this dumb-ass is trying to take it away.

  3. Just read the White House EO...This really concerns me. Sounds to me like Obama has given himself control of the citizens lives. It sounds to me like he can stop the elections and even stop an inauguration of a new President.

    I remember my grandmother telling me stories about Hitler and the Holocaust. This makes me wonder if that's where we are heading.

    Is there nothing we can do to stop the dictator some people call the US President? I don't want my children growing up to be puppets.

  4. After reading this article, I'm scared to death for my kids. There must be something we can do to stop Mr. Obamas EO.
    I've read your articles in the past about Fema Camps but have never thought it could relate to MY LIFE. When I saw the video I just felt all hope is lost for the future.
    You've shown me a probelm but you haven't given me an answer as to how to solve it.
    Would you please tell me what I can do?

    1. I wish I had a direct answer to give you Angie, but the problem goes far beyond one answer. There are two ways I know of to stop an EO. One is for another President to take office and delete the EO. The other is for the House and Senate to vote and override it.

      This can't be done at this time because we have a Democratic backed Senate who carries out everything Obama wants. The only hope I feel we have is to ride it out and keep fighting to take this dictator out of office. It's obvious our Country has been taken down-hill so far that tyranny seems to be our leaders answer.

  5. I find myself staggering to the bar for a stiff drink after reading this. Shocking that nothing is being done. The bastard really thinks he's the Messiah.

    I realize similar EOs have been written in the past, but this jerk has just eliminated them and rewritten them for his personal take over of the US.

    1. Ha! This man is driving all of us to the bottle!

      Not sure why I'm so shocked at this after all the other things he has done.

    2. Gosh my dogs heard about the EO and are so upset I had to give them a shot of beer last night to calm them down. They're prepping for the day Dog Treats are confiscated by Obama.

  6. Wow, one rarely receives such an honor! I will practice for the hog calling contest right away by calling Pelosi at her office.

    1. Congrats Laurence! What an honor you have received! I don't know of anyone else who has been honored so highly by RR.
      Keep up the good fight to save our country.

  7. Good man Laurence! Goes to show how greatly improved your education has become since you got your BS degree!

  8. I've been wondering why this isn't all over the media. Wonder if commentators are concerned this will cause a new frenzy and create havoc in America.
    This is just another step in BOs uphill climb to dominate the USA and the world.

  9. Sounds like the prez is well on his way to becoming a dictator. He is surpassing socialism for communism. Is this the new Castro?

  10. I've been reading about this for quite awhile. Nothing the POTUS does surprises me any more.
    We have to get on the ball and see that we take our government back. It would be great to take all three branches. If we are stuck with obummer we better hope with gain control of the Senate and keep the House...If not our freedom is gone.

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