This does not seem to be the case. Many continue to sit back doing nothing while their poll numbers drop at a rapid pace.
Could there be an interior motive behind their thinking? I am not the one to answer yes or no to this question. Read some of the events leading up to the November elections, then draw your own conclusions.
The New Black Panther Party (NBPP) formed in 1989 in Dallas, TX. by Aaron Michaels has emerged, their logo is 'Freedom or Death.'
Malik Zulu Shabazz is now the chairperson for the group. He is a left wing radical who hates white people. On an interview with Michelle Malkin, he calls her a Political Prostitute for Bill O'Reilly.
King Samir Sabazz, leader of the Philadelphia Chapter of the NBPP has stated on video "I hate all white people and we are going to have to kill crackers and their babies. All blacks must prepare for war." This is the same person shown at the polls in Philadelphia carrying clubs and intimidating voters. The men were found guilty of the crime and later released by Erick Holder and Obama. His punishment was that he could not be at another poll site until the year 2012. The links of these videos will be displayed at the bottom of this article.
.... I wonder why that year sticks in our heads? ... I remember now, that's when Obama comes up for re-election!
The New Black Panthers have formulated a way on Face book where any comment you post on your wall that contains the word 'black' or 'black panther' goes straight their group page and is posted. While on the site many derogatory statements were made. Radical Richard answered many of them. Within 30 minutes the replies were removed. It is believed by many this was a ploy to intimidate people. Some of the statements I read, shows their strategy was not working. People are fighting back.
They are holding a Hate Crime March July 17th in Newberry, South Carolina. This is over an incident where a 30 year old black man, Anthony Hall, was dragged 10 miles to this death by a pickup truck driven by Gregory Collins, age 19, white. Collins is in custody for the murder, the NBPP wants him charged with a Hate Crime.
Now let's look at Part II of the possible conspiracy:
Obama and his administration is pushing to legalize all illegals. They have enacted a lawsuit against the State of Arizona and Governor Jan Brewer (Az-R) to stop SB 1070 and are looking at a second lawsuit.
By pushing amnesty through before the November elections Obama could receive 75% of their votes. He continues to allow drug cartels and their runners to cross the Mexican/American border. Nothing has been enacted on his part to stop the violence. If he ever sends the 1200 troops as he promised they are only allowed to observe.
Part III of the possible conspiracy:
While oil continues to spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama states to America he has been on it since day one. He is now pulling away from his many golf games and campaigning in order to take his 3rd vacation since the disaster began. He continues to impose moratoriums on drilling although a Federal Judge has overruled his first one. This would put many coastal employees and businesses out of work creating mass losses for southern states affected by the spill.
Republican Alan Simpson and Democrat Erskine Bowles heads of Obama's National Debt Commission say the 2.53 trillion dollar deficit created this year will destroy America like a cancer from within. Obama has created the largest one day deficit of any past administrations.
At the G-20 Summit he pushed his agenda to spend, spend and spend in order to stop world inflation. This was opposed by many countries.
The picture we have drawn lists only a few of Obama's radicalism which has created a mass of confusion before the November elections.
Now let's look at how this could all sum up.
Dems know they will loose big this year. Obama knows he is looking at being a one term President. This being the case something drastic has to occur.
In December of last year while everyone was sleeping Obama enacted an Executive Order allowing Interpol into the US as the World Police. He gave them power over the FBI and CIA. Not even the Senate can go above their heads.
He enacted a new Hate Crime Law. Although it appears the New Black Panthers, illegals and terrorists are all above this law. Innocent people and Tea Party Participants can be held accountable.
If Obama could insight riots before the elections he could enact another Executive Order to hold off the November vote,
Knowing the Southern states are armed heavy and Texas more than most , this would be a good place to start. With the NBPP office in Dallas, Tx. this could make the setting of a large revolution. If this happened Obama could say we have a major outbreak of violence across the country and feels the elections should be cancelled until it ends.
It would be at his discretion when they should commence.
If the Hispanics took up the fight it could begin another Civil War. This would allow Obama to call in Interpol in order to stop it because our military by oath can not fire upon another American.
If this did happen Obama would have the power to cut off the Internet, any TV stations speaking against him or any group or gathering he felt was resisting. This would open every door for him to bring socialism in and set up the new world government.
The original Black Panthers say they are not affiliated with the NBPP. They say the new party is illegal and considered a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Through New Black Panther Hate Groups, drug cartels crossing our borders and government showing no intention of stopping it, should be a call for all Honest Americans to come to arms. Though we are peace loving people, we can not continue as we are, while our rights are being violated by an unscrupulous group of Far Left Extremists. If this administration who made the new rules on hate crime continue to ignore threats on innocent people we will be forced to take the matter up ourselves. Although I hope it does not come to this at the threat of our children's lives, I believe we have to fight fire with fire.
I am not saying this will happen, I am just saying be prepared. For the sake of our children, grandchildren and future Americans we can not stand by and let radical racists intimidate us. Racism had almost disappeared until this administration took over.
Please view the videos posted on Michelle Malkin's blog:
God Bless All Peaceful Freedom-Loving Americans and to hell with the rest of them.
I would like to hear your views on this.
Freedom Fighter and Radical Richard
I read about your upcoming comment on fb yesterday. I came to your blog and found this comment very alarming yet possibly true.
ReplyDeleteMy concern is this, I don't understand executive orders that well, or how they work. If the President gives an executive order and the people don't go along with it, is there any way the states can stop it? It would be alarming to think we have no control over one man doing whatever he wishes.
Could you please post a comment on executive orders?
As for the Black Panthers threats, having 3 children it does worry me.
Actually Shabazza's "punishment" was that he cannot carry a nightstick within 100 ft of a polling place in Philedelphia....Pittsburg polling places are probably OK.
ReplyDeleteIt does seem that the left is trying hard to estabilish some kind of racial tension where none exists....even the whacko lefty pundits are not buying into the lame accusations aimed at the tea partiers
I would like to ask you another question, If our country is being destroyed by a Muslim desireing World Dominiation, then where do we as working people go from there?
ReplyDeleteI read on a question on a site (I think this one) What would you do if the black panthers came to your door? I am a peace loving person with no guns, do they kill me and my family? For every action people react if somebody broke through my door my best fight would be with
a golf club.
To you Richard, I would also like to ask a question; Do I need to buy a gun I don't like them.
I have received 2 phone calls from people I know and 4 emails. As a business man I don't post after 5:30, but was told I have to on this.
ReplyDeleteAs to your comment Misty, I am worried about my children and grandchildren also. I have a son who is a State Cop who occassionally has to go to the border, it scares me.
Laurence, to your response: I worry about what I saw "Kill Crackers And Their Babies." I also wonder about the statement I saw, if the Black Panthers showed up on my door, how would I respond. My response would be "If somebody is coming into my household, I would respond if they were hurting myself and my family with the next best means that I have." This is not a hate crime, it is designed to protect what you have. Sheriff's have told me if they come at you with a knife do something bigger. I will have, to answer both of you Freedom is not free you have to answer for it.
I will not, until tomorrow respond to any emails.
Indeed a scary vision to our future!
ReplyDeleteYou are right Obama could stop the elections in Nov. Where would we be? I assume that with no election on Jan. 1, 2011 our country would be without any members in the house and lacking a third of the senate! Could be interesting.
I guess that would show the Dems. what kind of leader they have.
I do believe they are trying to start an unrest in this country. Racism has returned since the election of this prez. and he seems to glory in it! We are far to strong and sensible to fall for their ludicrous attacks on us. I am still waiting for the black senators who were spit on by Tea Party Members come up with any proof it happened. It appears that if there was any proof to the accusations they would have pressed formal charges and someone would be $100,000 richer. (Brietbart offered the reward for the truth.)
Since day 1, I believe there is a conspiracy. It has been brewing for years and the cancer has been choking the children through the government education system. Look at all the brain dead passive people !! And to top it off lets dummy everyone down a few more notches with legal "medical marijuana" for all to enjoy, the more the merrier and the more the better to accomplish the goal !!!!
ReplyDeleteSince the democrats took control of our country we have been witnessing everything you mention in the article and it reeks of a conspiracy to destroy freedom in the USA. This problem is so vast and has been well deployed by the socialistic left. There is one big shock coming their way also though. They do not realize that by empowering people with revived racism, encouraging the muslims that they too will fall. The muslims for one thing will not be quashed once their foothold here is established ! But does anybody really care ? People are to busy with their own selfishness that they choose to be blind and ignore what is happening and coming down the pipes. The vast majority of the citizens here really do not care to pay attention because their own lives are filled with the daily stress of just getting by -- ya thanks Mr Ob for that too.
Great comment pink!
ReplyDeleteI wish more people would become interested in what is happening in our country. You are right keep 'em drugged, the zombies still get to vote. I hope we still have a future after the upcoming elections.
As for the New Black Panthers FF and RR tell 'em to bring it on, America is ready to fight.
Yes, this has been in the works for a long time. I agree there is a lot of racial tension brewing on the left side since bho came into office. I feel it is his accomplishment of becoming the first black president and he wants the world to think he is superior to everyone.
ReplyDeleteI have news for him, we are seeing what he is up to and will fight to retain our freedom.
You definitely do have a point worth thinking about. It does appear that all the racial, and political unrest came into play when the POTUS was elected. I believe he has done nothing for this country but to sabbotage it!
ReplyDeleteThe cartoon on RR was great and this post you two did was even better. Could it possibly happen between the New Black Panthers and an executive order; could this stupid black person turn our country around on voting by a simple order? If that is the case our country is lost.
ReplyDeleteIf we can fight them how do we do it? I hate the nbpp movement and I hate what the world is coming to.
Please give me an answer.
Burt wants to know why are you dealing with everything stupidity on the dem vote? Why do you cut the new black panthers down? They are telling it like it is. why are your fighting this?
ReplyDeleteburt, where are you coming from. Get real!
ReplyDeleteSadly, I think RR and FF could be right about what this administration has for our future. It is true racism was literally a thing of the past. I hate to see it returning, especially where I believe our current government in DC is supporting it.
burt you have to be so ignorant it's unbelievable. I hope you don't have white children, because the group you are supporting says they should be killed along with you. No one can be such a fool they promote an organization that's calling for murder.
ReplyDeleteThe New BP's I believe have the backing of this administration. They are something to watch out for as they appear to want to sabatoge the white population in this country.
ReplyDeleteIt is time we regain our country back as a United one, not divided like we are experiencing. Do yourself and our country a favor and Vote in November.
It's hard to believe the Prez won't do anything about the black panthers making hate crime remarks on tv and getting by with it. If we made a statement like that we'd be in court and loosing everything. I guess that shows the country where this man stands and who he will defend. In this administration you're considered a hero if you try to ruin everything we stand for. I once backed this man and voted for him, now I hate him.
ReplyDeleteThe conspiracy idea seems to be falling into place and it really scares me.
ReplyDeleteThis president is leading our country to self-destruction. What is wrong with the left side that they can't realize what he is doing? After all this time they still can't be mesmerized by him and his actions. It is almost like they believe he is the messiah.
Something bad is brewing in DC. Did you hear about the woman who had 3 calls from the white house to quit her job? Sounds to me like it was another jump to conclusion decision, and then have to rethink.
ReplyDeleteDan, I hear the lady has been offered a new job. I guess they are going to bribe her to get her to keep quiet about this. I hope she takes the new job and continues to tell the world about the injustice this administration has done to her.
ReplyDeleteObummer will stop at nothing to get what he wants, I am certain we will see a revolution in this country, I hope we can get through it without any bloodshed